Jerry Seavey, PCC
MindBridge Trainings, CEO
Jerry Seavey is a MindBridge NLP & Coach Certification Trainer. He is also a Professional Coach and NLP Master Practitioner who has traveled the globe for more than 40 years teaching people how to create exceptional success and enhanced problem solving abilities in their personal and professional lives. He has devoted his career to the study, research, and teaching the effective development of the extraordinary faculties of our human potential.
Today, he is one of the foremost leaders in the field. His approach combines the knowledge of a psychologist, the determination and charisma of a business leader, and the sensitivity of a philosopher. Since 1971, when he founded the company that is today MindBridge, Jerry has been recognized as an exemplary professional coach, master trainer and expert in the field of personal and professional growth. His positive and effective teaching style has helped tens of thousands of people, from all walks of life, have a higher quality of life.
Jerry is one of those rare individuals who can present a complicated subject so that not only does his audience understand the concept but also the practical application of the principles involved. Along with an ongoing coaching practice, Jerry’s programs include workshops and trainings in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
Certified in Leadership Agility 360, debriefing and coaching, he also conducts corporate trainings and executive coaching in helping business professionals develop influential communication and leadership agility.
Jerry holds a Masters Certification in NLP and International Coach Federation credentialed Professional Certified Coach (PCC), and for the past 40 years has studied and worked with the most widely recognized experts in the field.
Currently he is responsible for Leadership Development Coaching and Management Trainings as well as Professional Coach and NLP Certification Trainings. He is a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and internationally board credentialed by the Association of Neuro Linguistic Programming and is the International ANLP Ambassador for the US.